
Theo Bosboom is a passionate photographer from the Netherlands, specialising in nature and landscapes. In 2013, he turned his back on a successful legal career to pursue his dream of being a fulltime professional photographer. Since then, he has never looked back.

For Theo photography is a perfect mix between exploring the natural world, creative expression and being close to nature. He hopes that his images and photo series can contribute to more respect for and appreciation of nature. In his work Theo focusses only on Europe, believing this continent has much more wild nature to offer than people tend to think and at the same time, he avoids intercontinental flights and the associated large CO2 emissions.

Although Theo has a broad interest in nature, he is inspired most by the powers of nature. He especially loves Iceland, wild coasts and stormy weather. Besides that Theo enjoys making photo series of small creatures like damselflies, limpets or ermine moths and is often inspired by the details of nature. In recent years, Theo has also done numerous projects with a more journalistic approach, also focussing on the relationship between man and nature. He is regarded as a creative photographer with a distinguishable style.

Theo is one of the founders and thriving forces of Stichting Oog op de Natuur, a Dutch non profit foundation that helps NL photographers in funding important photo or multimedia projects about nature ( Previously Theo was active in the Marius van der Sandt stichting, that was focussed on educating talented young Dutch nature photographers.

Publications and books

Theo’s photographs and photo series are regularly published in leading magazines such as National Geographic (NL edition), GEO, Outdoor Photography, BBC Wildlife magazine, OnLandscape, Elements and many others.

In 2012 his first photobook Iceland pure was published, followed in 2015 by his book Dreams of wilderness about nature in his home country the Netherlands and Belgium. In  2018 the photobook Shaped by the sea was launched, about the Atlantic coast of Europe. In 2022 Back to Iceland was published. All four books received very positive comments from press and public.

In 2021 his first learning book Seascapes was published by Pixfactory (in Dutch); A german edition was published in 2022 at Dpunkt Verlag.


Theo is a regular winner in prestigious international nature photography competitions. His awards include:

  • Wildlife photographer of the year: 5 awarded images, including a second place (2006, 2013, 2017, 2018)
  • European Wildlife Photographer of the year: three first places (2017 and 2022), the prize of the audience (2022),  several 2nd places and more than 10 highly commended images and a total of 20 awarded images since 2005
  • Zilveren camera (the Netherlands): first and third place in the Nature series category (2014), second place in Regional news series (2018), second place in Nature and science series (2021) and third place in Nature and Science singles (2021), second place in Nature and Science series (2023).
  • Winner of the portfolio award in Nature Photographer of the year (2017) and category winner landscapes (2016)
  • Category winner at Asferico (2010), as well as more than 10 other awarded images over the years.
  • Category winner at Afpan (2012) and Lowland (2016) photo contests, as well as several commended images in these contests.
  • International landscape photographer of the year: 3rd place photograph at the year

Besides that Theo is frequently asked as jury member in important nature photo competitions, including Wildlife photographer of the year, European wildlife photographer of the year, Asferico, Natural Landscape Photography Awards and Groene Camera (in the Netherlands)

Presentations and exhibitions

Theo is a passionate speaker and loves to share his work and vision with the audience. He has presesented his work at major nature photo festivals in many European countries and at prestigious venues in the Netherlands like De Donkere Kamer and Fotografencafé Woerden. Furthermore he is often invited to talk about his work as a photographer by businessclubs and photoclubs all over the country.

Furthermore Theo has presented his work in exhibitions at photo festivals and in museums. In June 2020 his first solo exhibition Shaped by the sea was opened in Stadtmuseum Schleswig (Germany), a museum with a very good reputation with respect to photography exhibitions. In summer 2021 this exhibition was also shown in Stadtgalerie Iserlohn.

Interested? Contact Theo for availablility and prices.

Photo tours and workshops

Theo is leading photo tours to Iceland and Spain (Asturias) for Nordic Vision and gives workshops within the Netherlands on a regular basis. Recently he started with individual online coaching as well. He really enjoys sharing his vision and knowledge with other passionate photographers.


The copyright on all images, texts and other content on this website belongs to Theo Bosboom, unless indicated otherwise. All rights are reserved.